If penguins could talk, it might sound something like this.

On the corner of philosophy and insanity...no boundaries.
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worth the wait

the insanely relevant mind of a writer wrote to the world with words of wisdom. as knowledge is power, power is knowing.

Shout out to Frank Ocean

check it out...download below.

trees gone bad

the feeling of familiarity sparks during times like this. as the rain pours down onto arms awaiting misery, the thought of curiosity is begged..."am I putting myself in the same situation again?"

with new love comes the unbalancing of a life. my life. I feel the discomfort of naivety. in all my reflection I learn only the simple things; mostly remembering dates and times. if I ever wrote a love song it would consist of lessons not learned and feelings not spoken for. if only I were smarter.

if perfection were a trait carried by few, this logic would rationale my love.
but perfection is a trait carried by none, and it is for this reason i feel like I've been here before.

I want for acceptance.
I fear that it may be too late. I want to go home.