If penguins could talk, it might sound something like this.

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silly rabbit...

It's funny. That poor little rabbit represents a group of individuals that many alike can relate. He wanted something so bad, something simple, but was denied access to it. The passion he held regarding attaining what he wanted was completely relentless or resilient. But was it stupid?

The Rabbit has been chasing the same thing for so many years, not falling subject to pressure or defeat. Even though he has been denied what appears to be a love of his so many times, he continues strongly to fight for what he wants. But when is quitting time?

Aristotle counts the courageous man as one who understands his limits and fears in the right amount. Courage is the mean in between fearing too much and no fear at all. This Rabbit seems to fear nothing between him and his want for tricks, but I would say he's pretty courageous. The ability to keep fighting when facing defeat.

Now tricks may not appear to be the best example of tangible items worth fighting for, but what is?

We all fight for the most random of things. Typically we decide that they are important to us, important enough not to give up on. Losers give up, and we all want to win right?
But how much is too much? We all put up with crap on top of crap just to be reminded that what we want is not happening. I am all for fighting. I have been in the same one for almost years now. But when is quitting time?

After along deserved win? Or drawn-out defeat?

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